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Welcome, OLP Alumnae!

Over 10,000 OLP alumnae have ventured forth to impact the world in relevant and powerful ways. Inspired by their CSJ education and with a commitment to serving the dear neighbor, our alumnae are passionate about staying involved and giving back. The OLP experience is a lasting one, reflecting the influence of true sisterhood. 

You are a valuable member of our OLP legacy and community. Please use the form below to provide your most current contact information. GO PILOTS!



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OLP Alumnae Association

  • Originally founded in the 1920s, the OLP Alumnae Association (OLPAA) was a membership organization of dues-paying alumnae who organized events in support of the Academy of Our Lady of Peace. The Association went dormant sometime thereafter and was resurrected nearly eight decades later in 2016. The OLP Alumnae Association of modern day is a complimentary membership organization that includes all graduates of the Academy of Our Lady of Peace. OLPAA strives to provide innovative programs, specialized resources, and diverse events for OLP alumnae.
  • Guided by OLP’s CSJ tradition and the French word Le Prochain, which refers both to those neighbors who are next to us and those who follow after us, OLPAA works to build a strong and growing community of sisters built on the foundation of our OLP experience. OLPAA encourages and empowers alumnae to support the mission of the school and invest in its sustainability.