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Serving the Dear Neighbor

Serving "our dear neighbor without distinction" is at the heart of the CSJ mission and, therefore, also the heart of the OLP mission.

We are called to be disciples, promoting unifying love and compassionately serving our dear neighbors without distinction. Our OLP community encourages each student to promote unifying love by finding a cause that moves their heart and volunteering to serve others. By seeing Christ in our dear neighbors whom we serve, we strive to bring about justice and love in our community, as Jesus modeled for us. Service at OLP is grounded in the understanding that every person is created with innate worth and dignity, and that we are all fully equal and loved siblings.

Make a wholehearted gift of yourself to God and the dear neighbor.

CSJ Maxim 39

Through our service opportunities, students at OLP live the CSJ call to be women of heart, faith, courage, and excellence. OLP offers a wide variety of local service opportunities through Campus Ministry and OLP clubs, in addition to monthly and semi-annual educational justice immersion experiences. The domestic and international justice immersion experiences focus on a wide range of social justice issues, such as migration, immigration, poverty, and homelessness.

OLP does not require mandatory service hours as part of OLP graduation requirements. This philosophy encourages and celebrates the thriving culture of service that flourishes at OLP. We firmly believe that students are motivated to serve others through an authentic spirit of compassion and a desire to engage with our dear neighbors, both locally and globally.

OLP has a robust set of club offerings allowing students to explore their passions and interests. Each of the following clubs are spearheaded by student leaders, supported by a faculty/staff moderator. This list encompasses specific clubs with a focus on service and social awareness. To see the full list of all student clubs, visit our Student Clubs website. 

  • Abuelitos 
  • Advocate OLP 
  • Answer for Cancer
  • Autism Tree Project
  • BeYOUtiful
  • Build a Miracle
  • Endangered Species Club
  • Fair Trade Club 
  • Feeding America 
  • G.I.V.E.
  • Girl Up
  • Girls Learn International 
  • Green Team 
  • Hogar Infantil 
  • Humans for Humanity
  • Interact
  • Make a Wish 
  • OLP Humane Society 
  • OLP Monarch Club 
  • Pilots for Life
  • Pilots for Peace 
  • Project Hope 
  • Project Smiles 
  • Promises 2 Kids
  • Reach out and Read
  • Students for Veterans 
  • Teddy Bear Project 
  • Thirst Project 
  • Tijuana Sin Hambre
  • Unicef
  • Youth Advocacy Organization 



In a school setting....

tutoring students or helping with craftshelping a teacher grade assignments or decorate their classroom
With a shelter….

serving food to individuals in need

sorting or packaging food donations


At a hospital…guiding patients to their rooms, visiting their familiesassisting in labs, working at gift stores
With your parish….working with children in Vacation Bible SchoolLiturgical Ministry (altar serving, lectoring, etc.)

We continue to encourage each student to submit their service hours to our tracking platform,

  • Through the student service submissions, we will highlight and celebrate the service being done by the OLP community. Students who go above and beyond to give back to the community will be recognized annually.
  • This online service platform tracks your four years of service experiences, and creates a “service transcript” for students as they apply to college and life beyond OLP.

Service Opportunities at OLP

Throughout the year, OLP Campus Ministry offers a multitude of service experiences for our students. We post our service opportunities in the weekly bulletin and share on morning PTV announcements. Students are encouraged to utilize the summer vacation to participate in meaningful service experiences. Please email Mrs. Wilson, Service and Retreats Director with any questions about our service opportunities.