From understanding Catholic Social teachings to the Le Puy method, this episode of Pilot Voices is a unique lens into the Theology department at OLP as seen through the eyes of the department chair, Jeff Kirschbaum and the Director of Mission Integration, Ryan Martin-Spencer. Their warmth and genuine care for the mission of OLP and the community is palpable in this episode. “We are rooted in the understanding that we have a unique opportunity. We teach all girls…they are future leaders in all areas of life. They are so gifted, so smart, so talented. It is a privilege, it is an honor, it is a responsibility and we take that responsibility very seriously; to make sure our girls are continuing to educate and advocate for the role of women in the world.”
This episode of Pilot Voices features: Ryan Martin-Spencer, Director of Mission Integration, Jeff Kirschbaum, Faculty and Chair of Theology, Inez Odom, Strategic Initiatives and Research Director.