By Rivka Bent
In true Architect of Change fashion, our student team gathered to discuss what it means to “challenge what is, imagine what can be, and move humanity forward.” We began our meeting by focusing on the pioneering efforts of our Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. We collectively read the poem “A New Harvest,” written by CSJ Sister Alberta Cammack. We allowed ourselves to ruminate on the final stanza:
Through different pathways
Women will come
With new voices taking up the singing.
They will come and listen
To the unspoken,
Walk in strange places,
And dream strong dreams.
We then took a few moments to reflect on the newness we, each of us as women along with our nation, are experiencing as the office of Vice President of the United States is now monumentally occupied by a woman. Without political discussion or rhetoric, we connected this national first to our CSJ poem and the pioneering spirit we have inherited from the Sisters who began the work and encouraged us to offer up our song and dream strong dreams.
As a school that focuses on teaching and enriching the lives of girls, we recognize the shift of possibility that befalls us and we embrace the expansion of our dreams together.
The following wordle grew out of this meeting discussion and response to the prompt: “How does having a woman Vice President of the United States make you feel?”