Back to School 2023-2024
2023-2024 Student-Parent Handbook
Below you will find the link to the updated 2023-2024 Student-Parent Handbook. All parents will be required to complete a form in PowerSchool, that affirms you have read and agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth in the handbook.
OLP 2023-2024 Student-Parent Handbook
COVID-19 Guidelines
Parents are required to notify the school if their child has tested positive for COVID-19. Parents should email [email protected]. In the email, be sure to include the following:
- symptoms your daughter is currently exhibiting, the date your daughter began exhibiting symptoms, the date your daughter was last on campus, and the date your student tested COVID-19 positive
OLP will work with your daughter's Assistant Principal and Counselor to notify her teachers in order to provide access to her classes via Zoom. Please review the OLP Synchronous Virtual Viewing policy in our 2023-2024 Student-Parent Handbook (Appendix, Page 78). According to the SDCOE COVID-19 Decision Tree, return to school guidance, students having tested positive for COVID-19, may return to school on the 6th day after the onset of symptoms and a COVID-19 positive test. The student must also meet all of the following criteria:
- Must feel well,
- Symptoms must be improving.
- The student has been free of fever without the use of fever -reducing medications for at least 24 hours,
- Per SDCOE guidance, students should wear a mask on Days 6-10. Students may remove their mask sooner than Day 10 with two sequential negative tests one day apart.
Additional resources can be found on SDCOE COVID Guidance
To Report an Absence
Parents can report an absence in any one of the following three ways by 7:45 am in the morning on the day of the absence.
- Login to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and complete the Absence form, indicating the specific reason for the absence and the days to be absent. If multiple children in the school, the form must be completed for each child. This can also be done on the PowerSchool App.
- Send an email to [email protected] from your Parent Email address as is registered in PowerSchool. Include in the email the reason for the absence, and the days the student is anticipated to be absent.
- Call the main office at 619-297-2566 and speak with the attendance officer or receptionist. Share with them the name of the student, grade, reason for the absence and anticipated days to be absent.
If your student is planning to be absent for several days, they are required to complete an Anticipated Absence Form. This form can be obtained from their Assistant Principal.
- Mrs. Flannery: for students with the Last Names A-F
- Mrs. Rajski: for students with the Last Names G-M
- Mrs. Meza: for student with the last Names N-Z
Textbook Ordering
Students can use their course schedule and the textbook list to order their 2022-2023 textbooks. For your convenience, OLP has partnered with Follett Virtual Bookstores as our official source for textbooks!
Uniforms can be purchased online or in person at Dennis Uniforms.Visit the OLP Website to learn more about uniform requirements.