The OLP Archery team competed in the Olympic Archery in Schools State Champions on Saturday, April 9. The competition took place at the Easton Archery Center of Excellence. The competition from LA was formidable, but our triples team of Felicity Shallan '24, Korina Apostol '24, and Ginny Kerr '24 were able to podium with Bronze Medals.
On Saturday, April 23 the team shot in the OAS National Championship. Our Team Captain Sofia Velarde '22 pulled off a strong finish to snatch the Bronze Medal from a group of shooters that battled throughout the competition. Congratulations to all the OLP Archers for persevering through a challenging season.
Beach Volleyball
The Beach Volleyball team qualified for the inaugural Division II San Diego Section CIF playoffs. The first playoff game was on Thursday, April 28 at 4:00 pm at Pacific Ridge High School.
We honored our four Seniors, Isabella Woo, Nicole Lalangan, Raquel Jaszkowiak, and Rhea Lalangan at our last league game at Mission Bay High School.
JV Softball has had an exciting season so far with some exciting games and an array of wins and losses. The most recent game of the season played on Wednesday, April 13, just before Easter was a big win for the Pilots, scoring 26 runs against Canyon Hills, scoring 14 runs. This game was pitched by Jovanna Garcia '25 who pitched a total of 56 strikes and two strikeouts against the opponents. In the field the Pilots had crucial outs executed by Elisabeth Downing '25 at first base, Nicolette Beadle '25 at shortstop, Sofia Camarena '25 at third base, and Rosie Raban '22 and Francesca Wurst '25 at left and center field. For the first time in a game this season, the JV Pilots had their first pick-off play from home to first to get a big out with a smart, well-timed throw from catcher Clara Raban '24 to first base, Elisabeth Downing '25. The Pilots at-bat completed many great hits and earned runs including Clara Raban '24 hitting a clean double with a fly ball into the outfield, Roselyn Raban '22 and Bianca Vega '25 both hitting line drives to get on base and advance runners already on base. Francesca Wurst '25, Alyssa Anning '25, Elisabeth Downing '25, and Jovanna Garcia '25 all had base hits that brought runners home and all four of these pilots started off the game with clever base running, stealing second, third and home on various occasions. Linda Dominguez '25 and Clara Raban '24 led the Pilots with runs-batted-in when they were up at-bat. The team was missing a player, Yasmeen Shah '25, in this game and the team worked hard & came together to earn a win that represents the teamwork and dedication of the athletes that make up our OLP JV Softball team.
The OLP Esports team finished their spring season with a bang! This year’s team consisted of Isabel Borossay '23, Captain Peyton Brown '22, Czarina Datiles '23, Corinna Falcon '23, and Jennifer Kerwin '23. The team boasted a few wins in Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, and Super Smash Bros! They made it to the Spring Playoffs this year and we wish them all good luck! They've had a great year and look forward to their upcoming seasons!
Swim & Dive
Your OLP Swim & Dive team has had its most successful and most fun season yet! As the regular season finished up on Holy Thursday, the girls have so much to be proud of. They’ve changed the Aquatics scene in and out of the water. We couldn’t be prouder!
Our JV Team did the improbable. For the first time in school history, they completed a FULL undefeated season, defeating all league opponents and with big wins over perennial powerhouses Bishops, Coronado, and University City High School. They worked so hard, and improved so much this season! Truly Spectacular!
Your Varsity gals completed the Eastern League sweep and earned their first official League title in years after a strong 102 - 66 win against San Diego High School at our Senior Nite meet at our home, The Kroc Center. It was an impressive team win, with season-best times and first-time Varsity performances.
We then got to have an awesome, combined Senior Night celebration with Saints to honor our 10 Seniors and their one Senior! Complete with tears, funny glasses, and donuts, it was quite the time and we will always be thankful for how these seniors have changed our aquatic culture for good!
We’re going to put in work over Spring Break so we can dive into championship season and keep the good energy rolling. Pray for all those competing in City Conference and CIF meets coming up!
It was so fun to see the kids' hard work really pay off. We are going to continue to glorify God through all that we do and keep moving in this positive direction. As we complete this regular season and approach championship times - come out and support our gals if you get a chance!
Get used to hearing about this team, friends. Big things to come. God is so good, and so are y'all!
The OLP Dance Team are National & State Champions!! On Saturday, April 9, the OLP Dance Team competed at the CADTD State Championships and won two State Titles for their Varsity Hip Hop & Lyrical routines. In addition, Sophomore Andrea Alvarez & Senior Monica Gallego both placed third overall in State for their solos. Over Spring Break, the Pilots traveled to Long Beach and competed in WCE Dance Team Nationals, where they took away huge wins. They took home the National Titles in Medium Hip Hop, Medium Lyrical, Small Contemporary, and Trio. They were also awarded titles for scoring the highest in Hip Hop, Lyrical, and Contemporary genres, and their Hip Hop routine won the second highest score of the entire weekend! Senior Monica Gallego won Improv National Champion, and Sophomore Andrea Alvarez placed third for her grade level and 10th overall out of over 150 soloists! Gabby McGillis '24 placed 5th for her solo performance, Lily Casas '24 placed 11th, Miranda Labrada Martinez '23 placed 11th, Lily Attaway '23 placed 15th, and Sofia Blas '22 placed 12th for their respective grade levels. It was a great end of the competition season for the Pilots! Auditions for next year’s 2022-2023 team will be held on Monday, May 16 and Tuesday, May 17 in the Holy Family Event Center from 4:00 - 8:00 pm.
Track & Field
The Lady Pilots took flight, landed, and left dust on the tri meet against Morse/Hoover. Our pole vaulters catapulted on Wednesday, April 6 at Saints for the win. Our vaulters Katie Snedden '24 (1st), Ema E. '25, Gigi G.(pr), Zahra M.(pr) '25 'GET AIR"!!
Jumpers great marks & season best.
- HJ-- Ella J. 4'10(sr), Jemma J., Lily P. & Katie Snedden
- TJ-- Annie S. 30'8(sr), Katie Snedden 30'10(sr), Katie S.
- LJ-- Sofia B., Annie S., Katie S., Zahra Mjahed 12'6(pr)
- Discus-- Jessica T. 68'11.5(sr), Julia T. 63'1, Marissa W. 55'6
- Discus(jv)-- Ava H.49'10, Kaylee S 49'8
- Shot-- Julia T. 26'3, Gigi G. 24'2, Ava H. 19'10(pr), Jessica T. 23'10
- Shot(jv)-- Ava H 19'10, Isabella P-F 19'0
- 100m-- Katie S. 18.5, Annie S. 19.01, Aiyanna J. 19.6(pr), Claire L. 21.00
- 100m(jv)-- Lily P 14.4, Marissa W. 14.7
- 300m-- Katie S. 56.4, Olivia S. 58.9
- 300m(jv)-- Aiyanna J. 59.3(pr), Zara M. 105.1, Isa E. 107.7(pr), Ema E. 109.0, Sofia A. 1.13.02(pr)
- 4x100-- Mollie B., Amelia N., Helena B., Sofia B. (1st place)
- 4x400-- Mollie B., Amelia N., Helena B., Sofia B. (1st place)
- Gigi G., Lily P., Jemma J., Sofia L 4:33.06
- Giselle L., Audrey O'Neal, Kaylee S. Olivia S 5:15.05
- Regina Q., Carolina H., Sofia G., Camilla C. 5:17.01
- 100m-- Mollie B. 3rd 13.2, Audrey O'Neal 4th 13.7(pr)
- 200m-- Sophia B. 26.12 (SCHOOL RECORD) 2015 26.4, Mollie B. 26.8(pr), Audrey O'Neal 27.9(pr)
- 200m(jv)-- Marissa W. 31.3,
- 400m-- Ella J. 1:05.02(pr), Helena B. 1:05.03
- 400m(jv)-- Ana A. 1:15.01, Gisel S. 1:22.03(pr)
- 800m-- Ella J 2:40, Jemma J. 3:02
- 800m(jv)--- Constanza H-G 3:10.01(pr), Clara D. 3:29.03(pr), Camilla A 3:36.04(pr), Sofia L. 3:37.04
- 1600m-- Winter M. 5:28.03, Jemma J. 6:54.05
- 1600m(jv)-- Karrina L. 8:15.02(pr), Marietta R. 8:40.07
- 3200m-- Winter M. 11:44.00
- LJ-- Sofia B. 16'4, Katie S. 14.9, Annie S. 14.2
- LJ(jv)-- Zahra M 12.6, Alexa C.11'01(pr)
- TJ-- Katie Snedden 30'10(sr), Annie S. 30'08
- HJ-- Ella J. 4'10, Katie Snedden 4'6, Lily P. 4'2
Lady Pilots I landed at Canyon Hills HS and left with the W!!!
- 100m-- Mollie B 1st 13.31(pr), Gigi G 7th 13.94(pr)
- 100m(jv)---Lily P 3rd 14.41(pr)
- 200m-- Sophia B. 1st 27.26, Mollie B. 27.95 2nd, Audrey O'Neal 29.03 5th
- 200m(jv)-- Kiera W. 30.28 1st, Marissa W. 31.68 6th
- 400m-- Helena B. 1:02.43 1st
- 400m(jv)-- Isa E. 1:18.07 1st, Gisell S. 1:25.00, Giselle L. 1:25.18(pr) 3rd
- 800m-- Ella J. 2:38.99 1st, Olivia S. 2:45.81 2nd, Jemma J. 2:25.90(pr) 6th
- 800m(jv)-- Zahra M. 3:07.32(pr) 1st, Sofia L. 3:27.64(pr) 2nd
- 1600m-- Olivia S. 6:05.85 1st, Jemma J. 6:31.76(pr) 3rd
- 300m--Katie S. 53.97 1st, Annie S. 57.60 5th, Claire L. 58.41 6th, Olivia S. 1:17.00 7th
- 300m(jv)-- Zahra M. 1:06.80(pr) 2nd, Isa E. 1:08.64 3rd
- 100m-- Katie S. 18.61(pr) 1st, Annie S. 18.869pr), Claire L. 20.60
- 4x100-- Audrey O'Neal, Mollie B, Helena B,Sophia B 52.22
- 4x400-- Helena B, Ella j, Mollie B. Sophia B 4:20.08
- Shot-- Julia T 29.11(pr) 1st, Gigi G 25.01 4th, Kaylee S 23.05 6th, Jessica T 22.03 8th
- Shot(jv)-- Isabella P 20.01(pr) 4th, Ava H 19.06 5th, Sofia L 16.03 8th
- Discus-- Jessica T 73'08 1st, Julia T 65'09(sr) 5th, Marissa W. 65.09 5th(tie)
- Discus(jv)-- Kaylee S 60'04(pr) 2nd, Ava H 58.14(pr) 3rd
- HJ-- Ella J 4'10 2nd, Katie Snedden 4'8 3rd, Lily P 4'2 5th, Jemma J 4'0 7th
- LJ-- Katie Snedden 15'11 1st, Sofia B 15'08 2nd, Annie S 14'11(pr) 4th
- TJ-- Annie S 29;10 1st, Katie S 29'04 2nd, Katie Snedden 28'05 4th
- PV-- Katie S 8'6 1st, Ema E 6'0 2nd
Lady Pilots flew private to do damage at the Jim Cerveny Invite!
Our few Pilots represented OLP with faith, integrity & respect.
- Seeded Mollie B 5th 13.62
- Frosh/soph Audrey O'Neal 8th 14.18
- Gigi G 12th 14.24
- Invite Sofia B 4th 27.61
- F/S Audrey O'Neal 8th 29.15
- Marissa W 13th 32.01
- Invite Ella J 6th 2:31.66(sr)
- Seed Olivia J 5th 2:40.54
- Invite Katie S 5th 18.85
- Seeded Annie S 1st 19.06(Birthday Blessing)
- Invite Katie S 6th 52.46(pr)
- Open Olivia S 3rd 57.42(pr)
- Open Audrey O'Neal, Mollie B, Kaylee S, Sophia B(SCHOOL RECORD 1:52.02)
- Invite Jessica T 25'10(sr) 7th
- Seeded Kaylee S 24'09(pr) 6th
- Open Ava Hill 20'10(pr) 2nd
- Invite Jessica T 68'03 11th
- Seeded Marissa W 69'06 2nd
- Open Giselle L. 50'01 4th
- Invite Ella J 3rd 5'0(pr) 3rd
- Lily P 12th 4'2 12th
- Invite Sofia B 15'05 8th
- Katie S 14'09 13th
- Seeded Annie S 14'03 4th
- Seeded Annie S 31'(sr) 3rd
- Invite Katie Snedden 9' 3rd